There is an Aboriginal tribe in Western Australia – they don’t celebrate birthdays chronologically – but only celebrate if a person has truly learned something. What if you didn’t celebrate…
creative thinking skills
Thanksgiving can be a difficult time for a multitude of reasons; family, dinner plans, travel, traffic, and family all contribute to The Holiday Headaches. However, nothing is more challenging than…
“Questions leading to direct and simple answers do not improve […] thinking skills. “ As parents we hear that regularly reading to our child is one of the most important…
It’s always energizing to be in the company of fellow educators who are passionate about the cultivation of creative thinking skills in the classroom, it’s doubly exciting when most of…
Lets be honest – one of the best things about being a parent is having an excuse to watch kiddy movies. This weekend we re-watched The Croods, for the zillionth…
3 Question InterviewMatthew Worwood
PLAY and CREATIVITY: 3 Question interview with Play Expert, Jeff Smithson
‘Play is a space of discovery. It is how we originally approach the unknown: with a sense curiosity and wonder.’ – Jeff Smithson Our writing on this blog primarily centers…
I get a little anxious before flying, I don’t know why, but it’s something that I’ve had for a while. However, since flying with my boys it’s certainly become less…
3 Question InterviewMatthew Worwood
Creativity for Everybody: 3 Question Interview with Creativity Expert, Kathryn Haydon
Everyone is creative! And as part of my travels on the subject I’ve met many innovative educators, and highly engaged parents, who actively look for ways to improve their practical…
When do you consider your child to be in their Element? When it comes to cultivating creativity or nurturing a particular talent, finding your child’s Element might be a discovery…
I write a lot about the scholar E. Paul Torrance, nicknamed the father of creativity. One of his greatest accomplishments was the identification of a creativity skill set that was…