DadsforCreativity on YouTube

by Matthew Worwood

There are lots of ways to engage and capture your child’s Creativity using video. Below are some of my favorite examples – all very simple to make using a smart phone and moviemaking app, such as iMovie on the iPhone. Click here for the topic, Kid Moviemaking Tips.

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Micro Story Collection

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Discover Coconut Island

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Creativity in Education: Exploring the Imbalance

Creativity in Education: Exploring the Imbalance, is a short documentary that explores the impact accountability and assessment has had on the opportunities to engage and cultivate creative thinking skills in school. The film is available on Amazon or you can access it for free at

[easy_youtube_gallery id=B3f3zKLkhJo,08ttuboizY0,fl2MIruQjlE,SUzpC22-7Ek ar=16_9 cols=2 thumbnail=hqdefault controls=0 playsinline=1 privacy=1 class=mySuperClass]

Creativity on TED

I often make the assumption that everyone has heard of TED, a non-profit organization that started as an annual conference that shared ‘ideas worth spreading’. It’s content quickly expanded beyond the initial topics of Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and now offers a variety of ideas and research on the subject of Creativity and education. Ken Robinson’s 2006 talk is perhaps the most famous (and entertaining) on this subject, but his talk is only one of a number of great ideas presented on TED.

[easy_youtube_gallery id=iG9CE55wbtY,9uOMectkCCs,16p9YRF0l-g,0af00UcTO-c ar=16_9 cols=2 thumbnail=hqdefault controls=0 playsinline=1 privacy=1 class=mySuperClass]

Scholars on Creativity

Should you choose to dig a little deeper into the topic of Creativity, it’s important to familiarize yourself with some of the scholars in the field.

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